Sunday, April 03, 2011

for posterity

i write anecdotal reports for my students every other month. it's tedious, but they're PRECIOUS. i have former students in high school who still read their preschool anecs every once in a while.

i retell them a lot so my cousin, mama aly, suggested i post some of them. and so, i obey. this one is from zoey's. it will always make me smile... and laugh :)

*English translations in parentheses

February 22, 2011 (Tuesday)

The class was beginning to get unruly from all the excitement of making an origami penguin. Teacher said that only the cute ones will get to make origami penguins. Teacher further explained that the rule included Teacher.

Euan commented that Teacher wasn’t cute, but was, in fact, something else. “I think you are maganda.” (Beautiful)

A student (who shall remain unnamed) retorted, “Di kaya!” (No, she's not!)

Zoey quickly came to Teacher’s defense. “Di kaya! Teacher is maganda… medyo.” ΓΌ (Yes, she is! Teacher is beautiful... sort of.)


Insightful Personhood said...

And medyo payat!

barbiegirl said...

Yown! Hahaha! :)