Saturday, March 11, 2006

my first

lactobacili shirota strain. yakult. i had my first bottle today (thanks to a pre-schooler's loot bag) and guess what... i actually like it!

who would've thunk it?! :)

now i understand why my nieces drink so much of it. gosh, i have so much catching up to do! hahaha!

here's my disclaimer: just because i tried my first yakult does not mean, in any way, that i will EVER eat ampalaya (bitter gourd) or dinuguan (what my dad would explain to our foreigner guests as "chocolate meat." hehehe).

1 comment:

mama_aly said...

omigosh... even our intestines are related. i tried ampalaya maybe 3 times just to check if it's really good when people rave about it... nevere ever did it agree with my taste. actually, lasang halaman... yun lang. dinuguan, i will never ever try period.